wangtheslang / peterpipersniper

Member of the Canadian Armed Forces

Birthday: Oct 7, 2006
Personality Type: INTJ-T (Turbulent Architect)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Protestant Catholic
Education: In 1st Year University

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Interested in: Paper & Digital Art, Writing, Military, Firearms, Gacha Games, Karaoke

You may know me as Wang or Peter. I'm currently working with the Canadian Armed Forces.

A Backroom Birthday
Nightmare Fueled
Bull's Rush
Versatile Colleagues
Versatile Colleagues
Versatile Colleagues
Versatile Colleagues
Versatile Colleagues
Project Macrela (Concept Art!)
Under A Cloud (Me and ethanious09)
Casino Crash
Rush the Beach
Cope, Seethe, and Succumb
Quite the Squad
Versatile Colleagues